Curatopia: Histories, Theories, Practices -
Museums and the Future of Curatorship
Dr. Philipp Schorch (Co-conveners: A/Prof. Conal McCarthy, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Prof. Eveline Dürr, LMU)
As museums continue to change in twenty first century, the ‘figure of the curator’ appears to be in flux. What is the future of curatorial practice? Is there a vision for an ideal model, a Curatopia, whether in the form of a utopia or dystopia? The symposium facilitates intense thinking through ‘the figure of the curator’ and will be open to museum professionals, other academics and students. Curatopia Flyer (PDF, 330 kB)
6 - 7 July 2015
Senatssaal, LMU Munich, Main University Building, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1